GIT Configuration

GIT is used to manage a project or a set of files as they change over time. It stores this information in a data structure called a GIT repository. A GIT repository is the directory where all of your project files and the related metadata resides.



You can access GIT Configuration in following way:

  1. From the dashboard click on the Settings > Configuration and then select GIT Configuration from the drop down as shown in below figure:
Figure 300: Accessing GIT Configuration

2. Once you click the GIT Configuration, GIT Configuration- System Window opens as shown in below figure.

Figure 302: GIT Configuration Window

3. You can now Enable GIT version control for the selected profile.

Note: Use GIT for version control: To use Git for version control, select this check box otherwise Cavisson Version Control System is used.

Select the Mode of GIT Configuration 

In the GIT Configuration window, you can configure GIT settings by using one of the following options:

  • Use UI
  • Use SSH Console (secure mode)

GIT Configuration Using the UI

While specifying the GIT settings using the GIT Configuration window UI, provide the following information:

  • Server configuration
  • Branch details
  • Author details
Figure 301: GIT Configuration-Using UI

Server Configuration

In the Server Configuration section, you need to provide a remote GIT repository URL and valid user credentials to connect and perform GIT operations on the GIT repository.

Figure 303: Server Configuration
  • Repository URL-Specify the remote GIT repository URL in the Repository URL field. It can contain HTTP/HTTPS URL or SSH/GIT URLs. For example, you can use the following types of URLs: or

User Name: Username of the GIT account that needs to be remotely accessed.

  • Password: Password of the GIT account that needs to be remotely accessed.
  • Enable Proxy Settings-You can configure a proxy server that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server and requests services, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server. The proxy server evaluates the request to simplify and control its complexity.
Figure 304: Proxy Settings

To configure proxy settings:

  • Enable the Proxy Settings
  • Specify the following proxy settings:
  • Proxy server: Specify the proxy server using the following format:


  • Port: Specify the port number. It can range from 1 to 65535.
  • Click Test.


Branch Configuration

After providing the repository URL and valid credentials, you can fetch the list of branches from the remote GIT repository. Based on the selected repository, the branch options are updated in the Branch drop-down list.

  • If GIT configuration is already saved, the branches are fetched automatically.
  • If you are configuring GIT for the first time or configuring some other remote GIT repository, then you have to manually click the Fetch Branch icon.

To select a branch:

  1. Click the The Branch drop-down list is updated with the related branches.
Figure 305: Branch Configuration

2. Select the required Branch from the drop-down list.

Author Details

Provide the following author information:

Figure 306: Author Details
  • Full Name: This field requires the full name of the user who is configuring GIT and performing GIT operations. 

Note: Full name is different from “User Name” as it refers to the remote GIT server user name.

  • Email: Email of the user who is configuring GIT and will be performing GIT operations.

Save your GIT Configuration

After providing GIT configuration, you must save the settings before performing GIT actions. To save:

  1. Click the Save button in the GIT Configuration window. 
  2. Your GIT configuration will be saved in GIT_CONFIG and VERSION_CONTROL keyword in the. workprofile.conf in the selected work profile at following path:



GIT Configuration using SSH Console

To perform GIT operations from the SSH console, you need to configure GIT in the secure mode

Figure 307: GIT Configuration Using SSH Console
  1. Select the Use SSH Console (Secure Mode)
  2. Provide the following Server Configuration
  • Repository URL: Specify the remote repository URL in the Repository URL field. It can contain HTTP/HTTPS URL or SSH/GIT URLs.
  1. Enable the Proxy Settings Specify the following proxy settings:
  • Proxy server: Specify the proxy server using the following format: 


  • Port: Specify the port number. It can range from 1 to 65535.

Author Details

Provide the following author information:

  • Full Name: This field requires the full name of the user who is configuring GIT and performing GIT operations. 
  • Email: Email of the user who is configuring GIT and will be performing GIT operations.